Burry your fears!


Being in love, rooting for your favorite football team, singing songs with your best friend, saying a prayer for someone you lost – our lives are defined by emotions. They are our best friend or our worst enemy…


Fears protect you from making mistakes. They can be a life saver. Yet many fears are obsolete. If we fail at singing a tune, making it sound off key, that won´t kill us, will it?!
If we write a song that sounds boring or kitch, that won´t end our career!
If we fall on stage in front of a crowd of thousands, what will happen? You´ll get back up, or won´t you?
A lot of our social or professional fears are restricting us from making it big! They are the reason we stay behind, hiding in safe places, instead of leaving our comfort zones and becoming better through experience.
Yes, we will fall, we will hurt at times, we might cry…but that will only make us richer in experience and more creative in giving it our best next time.

What I learned

I have recently watched a video by my favorite online vocal coach Fel Felicci.
She talked about staying lose when singing higher notes. She explained how most of us fearful singers tense up when pitching a higher note, instead of staying lose and letting a note come out naturally.
You may watch the video here:

Man, was she right! I keep tensing up in my throat out of fear so many times!
I am slowly learning to trust my voice! Trust my ability to sing beautifully!

I realized that same fear holds me back in songwriting also! Will my song be good enough to compete with other songwriter´s songs? Are my melodies too simple?
Is my guitar strumming too flat?

I tell you what! Who cares! What matters is that you love what you do. That you do your best always…that you keep challenging yourself to become a better guitar player, singer, songwriter, human!

People will like what you do or they won´t, but their judgements shall never keep you from going on doing what you love! Doing what we love will ultimately make us professionals…you don´t need to be a master from day one!

Don´t let your fears, your doubts or other people´s opinions on who you are today, keep you from becoming you you are meant to be tomorrow!

Let´s raise our glass to burrying our fears!