I´m a fool…that is fine!


Introducing album tracks (part three)

Hey guys,

what is new? Today I am filling you in on the idea behind Fool. You can have a listen at the track (old recording) here.

Fool was created in a moment all by myself (like most songs). I remember everything about the night I was writing it. I was feeling strong emotions of loneliness, being misunderstood and disconnected from the world and my surrounding. 

I am shy! Very shy! 

Some everyday situations, that are normal for most of us, can cause anxiety for me. Can make me tense and stress out. Social anxiety is a monster! And this song was a sort of relief I don´t always get from writing songs. I was baring my soul that night. To myself, by myself, for myself!

Being shy can make you wanna hide from the world and even in your friendships. It inhibits you from being who you are in front of other people. It puts you beneath others, when you should be standing eye to eye. 

Fool is a song I dedicate to everyone who feels the same. 

In the chorus, I present the only hope that sometimes remains. Which essentially is the faith that your suffering is for a reason. 

The last verse refers to that faith! To wanting to believe in love and consolation and some sort of compensation no matter how stupid it might seem to everyone else! And despite the doubts that roll along…


In my life I have often felt inner and outer perceptions clash!

People told me I seemed so happy when really I was going through the hardest battles.

Then other times, that I felt pretty happy with who I was and where I stood, they told me I looked sad!

I believe it has to do with keeping up the facade. Once you feel stronger within, you need less (figuratively speaking) make-up…You don´t need to throw a smile at everyone…and sometimes this may cause folks to think you are in a bad place…sometimes the opposite is true! 

Have a lovely week, my friends!

Here are the lyrics:

I´m alone

All my life

I´ll be alone

Noone by my side

I´m alone

Like a motherless child



I´ll feel lost

All my life

One in a million

With no place to hide

I´ll be searching

Until the day I´ll die

I´ll be lost


What if this place here on earth won´t lead to heaven?

What if it is already as good as it gets?

Will there be no compensation?

For all the struggles we´ve had?


Pull me closer

Close to your chest

Pull me closer

As close as could get

I´ve been trying

To keep my posture straight

But I failed

I failed

I failed


What if this place here on earth won´t lead to heaven?

What if it is already as good as it gets?

Will there be no compensation?

For all the struggles we´ve had?


I´m a fool

That´s fine

But I still believe….

I´m a fool to cry

But I grew up in tears

I´m a fool, but I´ll fight

What else could I do?

I´m a fool!

I´m a fool still loving you!