Working to support your own music

work and music

Today, my friends, I will get personal (well, ain´t that something new?;))

Wouldn´t it be nice to MAKE A LIVING OUT OF SONGWRITING? As most of my fellow songwriters/ artists, I am far from earning a living through music. The naked truth is, that it is but a mere hobby.

Lately though, I have noticed an increasing state of fatigue rising within me. It´s a feeling I take very serious, as I have suffered from a mild burn-out before! And believe me, I don´t wanna go there again! And I urge you not to go there either!

songwriting is work

So what I did today, was think about my current weekly workload and putting it in perspective with the so called work-life balance.

You must know that I am working a part time job in PR and Marketing, and another Job in Fashion Sales (as a freelancer). Aside that I am taking audio technician classes, Percussion classes, vocal coaching classes and guitar lessons. Oh and yes, I try to exercise at least twice a week.

I have no cleaning lady and my chores list is always packed. However, I never realized this could be too much! I always pushed myself harder and always compared myself to others. But, what if, my life is just too much to handle anymore?

My calculation so far was, that I was basically „working“ a mere 40 hours a week. The rest (the audio technician formation, the music classes and not to forget my songwriting sessions) I considered my „hobby“.


And yes- that´s what it is! But there is a difference between hobbies, that take off the pressure of daily life and actually help you relax and those, that bring on more pressure. I am very ambitious when it comes to my music. I am working hard to be able to record my songs very soon and I am a perfectionist when it comes to art. So at some point I stopped enjoying playing the guitar as an evening filler and started „practising“ it according to a detailed schedule without mercy.

I think it is dangerous to want too much too soon! I have made my hobby a third job! Even though I don´t count on earning money from it one day, the reward will be to hold my own EP in my hands anytime soon hopefully! But it is that reward precisely, that actually makes my hobby a job!


I am wondering how many of you fellow songwriters and musicians are struggling with similar issues?

And how do you take care of yourselves? How do you protect your love of making music from becoming something that dictates your entire life?

Isnt passion a beautiful thing if you treat it gently? And isn´t obsession the negative counterpart?

I am excited to read your comments! Please share this post, so we can discuss across the globe about it!