Discipline is not meant to pull you down!

Discipline is key towards successs. With anything you learn, the saying goes: Practise makes perfect! Persistance, discipline and continuous hard work are the columns on which to build your future…
We have a whole lot of this “no excuses” mentality going on in todays´s societies. Set your goals, work hard and play less! that´s what people say!
And while this is  certainly true, there are some details that are left unspoken…
What about you inner dialogue? What about happiness? What about motivation?
Discipline is a means of pulling through with routines, tasks and actions. Discipline requires routine and the will to perform, even if you feel like taking a break. Discipline challenges you every day.
And while challenges are important for growth and progress, there´s also a dangerous side to it. Once you start bossing yourself too much, and once you start talking to yourself in a bad and disrespectful way, as you fail, that´s when discipline might take the wrong turn. I believe in motivation more than punishments. I believe that instead of getting up and telling yourself:
“You have to go and excersise, otherwise you´re weak and unworthy and will never reach your goal”…the conversation should go like that:
“Go, get up and do your excercise. You have a dream, you want to be fit and happy and you will be rewarded afterwards!”
This marks only a small shift in communication, but one that matters. I believe that as humans, we are allowed to fail at certain times, on certain days…we shouldn´t disrespect ourselves for that! Instead we should use our weak moments to think about ourselves, to adjust ourselves and motivate ourselves for the next day. If we love ourselves and accept discipline as a helping hand, instead of a dictator, we will discover much more strenght within us!
It´s all about results! So, take it easy. There´s many ways leading to Rome! Don´t you agree?